The New Nearshore Supremacy: China’s Growing Reach into Local Waters

Credit: Director, Editor, Writer, Cinematograper

From South America to Africa to the far Pacific, China has been buying its way into restricted national fishing grounds, primarily using a process known as "flagging in," allowing them to fish in other countries’ territorial waters. Subtler than simply entering foreign coastal areas to fish illegally, flagging in is less likely to result in political clashes, bad press, or sunken vessels. However, the impact of this practice on nearshore fish stocks and the economies of poorer countries has the potential to wreak havoc.

The Whistleblower and The Shrimp (2024)

Credit: Director, Cinematographer, Producer

An American took his dream job in India. What he found was something else entirely.

This epic investigation delves deep into the story of an unusually brave whistleblower in India & what we found in the massive trove of documents he provided us.

Daniel’s Story (2023)

Credit: Co-director, Producer, Editor

The tragic tale of an Indonesian deckhand and his brutal voyage on a Chinese squid ship. This video is part of a broader investigation published by The Outlaw Ocean Project in collaboration with The New Yorker.

The North Koreans Behind the World’s Seafood (2024)

Credit: Director, Producer

Thousands of female workers transferred across the border and into China describe violence, captivity and rampant sexual assault.

Uyghurs in Seafood (2023)

Credit: Director, Editor, Producer, Researcher

Thousands of workers from the province of Xinjiang in China are being forced by the state to work in seafood processing plants that supply many of the major grocery stores and restaurants across the U.S. and Europe.

Behind the Story: A Whistleblower Investigation from Antarctica to India (2024)

Credit: Director, Cinematographer, Editor

Behind the Reporting: China, the Superpower of Seafood (2023)

Credit: Director, Editor, Co-Cinematographer, Producer

An explanation of how a team of journalists from The Outlaw Ocean Project produced a four-year investigation of forced labor and other crimes tied to the Chinese fleet and the world’s seafood supply.

Squid Fleet: The New Yorker (2023)

Credit: Producer, Additional Cinematography

In Ed Ou and Will N. Miller’s short documentary, crew members work tirelessly thousands of miles from shore to provide squid for the global food chain.

The Chishan Group: Investigating Shandong Seafood Squid (2024)

Credit: Director, Editor, Motion Graphics, Producer

Delve deep into how The Outlaw Ocean Project uncovered the use of forced Uyghur labor in one of China’s largest seafood companies.

Death On The Wei Yu 18 (2023)

Credit: Co-director, Editor, Producer

The dark chronicle of a squid jigger and a man trafficked onto it.

China: The Superpower of Seafood (2023)

Credit: Co-director, Editor, Producer

An exploration of the motivations and methods behind China’s growth and control over fishing across most of the high seas.

American Squid: The Story of an Unlikely Cultural Phenomenon (2023)

Credit: Co-director, Editor, Producer

How squid went from being a fishbait to a ubiquitous restaurant appetizer.